
Wonderfully Made Dance
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I LOOOOVE Halloween! Not as much as I love (obsess?) over Christmas, but Halloween makes a very good second. However, it is by far Adam's favorite holiday. Last year was a blast because we took Nick trick or treating with Pat and Jenn, but this year we stuck to our non-apartment neighborhood and decided to watch scary movies and hand out candy. I even splurged at Walmart for some foam tombstones, cobwebs, and orange lights to decorate with! I set out our creepy pumpkins (I wish I had thought to take a picture) that we carved a couple days ago got our huge bowl of candy and sat to wait....and wait..........and wait. Finally, around 8 we could hear little giggles coming up our walk and opened the door to some vampires, princesses and a little pumpkin, while the screams of "Nightmare on Elm Street" filled the house. *sigh* How I love holiday traditions! Once the children quit making it to the house, we feasted on the leftover candy and watched scary movies until about 3am! Then came the fun part....attempting to sleep....I fear I won't be doing a lot of sleeping for awhile. I am such a baby...I even made Adam find a nightlight for our bedroom.

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