
Wonderfully Made Dance
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I was really worried Christmas wouldn't feel like Christmas this year, since my parents and Ryan are in Hawaii for the first time in y-e-a-r-s (they almost always come to our house, wherever that may be) and we couldn't afford to join them since we got married in October. But, it actually turned out to be one of the best Christmases I've had, and definitely one to remember. On Christmas Eve, we went to a candlelight service at a local Methodist Church and came home drinking hot tea and listening to "A Rat Pack Christmas" on Cd. Even though it was just the 2 of us, we still got up at about 8am--too excited to keep sleeping, I guess some things stay the same! We turned on our Christmas music and ule log, and began to open stockings and presents. I have to say, we made out like bandits! Adam got me a framed "Cartoon of St.Anne" by DaVinci and a TomTom, while I got him a massage, some movies and a t-shirt he's been dying to have. I don't really see what's o funny, it has a picture of several animals and reads "Animals Taste Good", he thinks it's the funniest thing....ever. After we finished out present opening and showered, we headed to Corinth to see Cynthia, Mark & the kids (Adam's sister and her family). On the way, we got a chance to call Adam's parents and Granio for a Merry Christmas hello, which was nice.

The house, upon arrival, was a Christmas explosion and a frenzy of Elizabeth and Ethan showing us one gift after another. We gave them their Christmas presents, ate lunch and hung out until about midnight. All in all, a wonderful and very Merry Christmas.

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