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Our Swimsuit Model

This weekend was the perfect kind of weekend. Relaxing for both Mama and Daddy, with sweet sunshine you could practically smell. We attempted the pool on Sunday since it was 75*, but the water was a wee bit too chilly so we settled for sitting in the hot tub (more like warm tub) and letting Maevey dip in her toes every so often. Don't worry, I did not immerse my five month old in a whirlpool. :)
Mama and sweet baby girl.
A hint of a grin.
Of course by the time we tried to get a picture of Maeve and her fiery red locks and how they shone in the sun, the sun had moved and you couldn't quite tell. Oh well. Next time.

She looked darn cute in her new swimsuit, hat and cover-up though. It really made me excited about the warmer weather and vacations to come. She loves LOVES bathtime, so my hopes are high for the pool and ocean. Right now she kicks and rolls and talks the whole time in the water. Being a fishy is in her blood. (My mother's maiden name is Fisher after all.) My brother and I spent our summers and various other holidays in Hawaii at my grandparent's. I don't remember a warm day where I wasn't swimming as a child. An area swim club offers Mommy/Daddy and Me swim classes starting at six months. We plan to sign Maevey up for some special time with Adam. Hopefully it's a hit!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Oh my goodness! She is SOOOOO cute! I cannot believe how big she's getting. And, Mama, you are looking FAB, too! :)