
Wonderfully Made Dance
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Maeve and Her Puppy Pal

So, really this video will be most appreciated by grandparents...but we'll just pretend I didn't say that. Currently the funniest and most wonderful thing in the world to Maeve is Dutchess, our Boston Terrier. This makes Dutch extra lucky since she's been on my list for awhile...but my baby loves her so what can I do. Keep being nice to that girl dog! You owe your cushy life to her!!

While Dutchess naps on the sofa, Maeve will often stand on her tiptoes and clinging to sofa pillows, will try her darndest to climb up there. Once she decides she just can't make it (this may involve pulling over other toys to climb on...) she will instead give out the loudest happy scream at Dutchess over and over until the poor dog gives up and runs upstairs to sleep. If Dutchess makes the mistake of sleeping in her dog bed, Miss Maeve just crawls right in too. 

They are sweet, if somewhat reluctant on Dutch's part, pals.
 (And the leftover highchair food everyday is probably sweetening the deal.)
 All that to say I had Dutchess chasing a laser pointer around the house. (Yes, it is hilarious as my babe will tell you.) While I had her running, Maeve let out the best long-winded have-to-catch-my-breathe laugh EVER! I've never heard her laugh like that!!

And that's totally not what I caught on video. :) Buuut, I tried to re-create it and you can still hear a pretty awesome laugh. 


Shannon said...

I appreciated it, too! haha! :)

Nicci said...

love her red hair!