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Wishing for Real Winter Weather

Keep your fingers crossed! Monday, Kaitlin had an interview with Mosaic Family Service Inc for an office position. The only problem is the job is in Dallas...and we're about an hour away. However, it would be worth it for the time being. They told her she should know something within the next 2 weeks, so keep your fingers crossed!!! In other news, we had our first taste of a real winter last night...but there are barely any signs left in FtWorth, even though it's only 39*! By 10pm last night our yard was a white sheet--Kaitlin began to celebrate the snow until Adam rolled the trash to the curb and declared it sleet that was sticking. Bummer. If we're going to have this cold weather, we want the snow!!! Either way, Kitri and Dutchess had enough fun in it that they each got a bath upon re-entry to the house. Also, the weather meant that Adam didn't have to go to work until 12pm today, which was a rare treat!

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