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A little bit of update in your life...

Searching for something to say, I feel like a million things and nothing have all happened over the last month and a half. Pregnancy has been, what feels like, guiltily easy. Though I must admit, I don't feel like myself, nor do I always feel good, I have only thrown up once. Mostly, I'm tired. Unnaturally tired. I have always prided myself on how energetic I am, and my ability to 'go, go, go'. But lately...lately I'm a couch hugger, and a 5 o'clock napper. Lazy would be my 'word that describes you', should you ask.
I got away for a mini-trip to my cousin's in OKC during our two week blizzard here in the Panhandle. It was cute at first, and quickly escalated to obnoxious. (The snow that is, not the visit!) It was wonderful to get away and celebrate our pregnancies (she's pregnant with her 2nd), the snow, family, and talk. Oh, you have no idea how nice it is as a talker to meet someone who enjoys it as much as you. After the snow seemed to die down, I set off for Amarillo, only to be greeted by a new snow storm and back to being trapped inside.
I don't do well without change. Those people who fear it? Not me, I crave it. Even small change, if I can't have natural change I create it. Even if it means re-arranging the cabinets or furniture. Stir-crazy and trapped inside, I began moving around the house cleaning and re-organizing, but because of my new found energy limit, left half-done piles around the house to go lie down. Needless to say, in my attempt to 're-vamp' I simply made LOTS of messes. Many of which are still lying there, begging to be fixed. So far, their cries are not heard.
In nursery/baby updates, we have assembled the crib that my in-laws gave us. It's beautiful, and was Adam's as a baby which I find sweet & romantic. Several weeks ago at a garage sale we found a changing table in the same wood and style as the crib, unable to sell it the couple gave it to us for $8! So...while it looks a bit like a dumping ground, it does have an undeniable 'baby smell' already, and is slowly developing into something more then an extra room where baby things go! :) We're 8 1/2wks pregnant today, and we get to hear the heartbeat & see the baby for the first time on March 9th! Everything seems to both take forever, and fly by. I am beyond excited for the appointment, and keep trying to will it closer! Most every conversation seems to travel back to day dreams of the future with our unknown child and what life will be like...our anniversary (which is very close to our due date), Christmas, church, the beach...what will all these familiar events be like in the un-knowable future with this person we don't yet know? An addictive mystery, it seems to be all we think about, particularly me.
On a closing note: Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad! May the next 25yrs be just as fabulous!!!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Yay! I've been waiting for an update...and miss you like crazy! muah! :)

p.s. my house is covered in unfinished piles, too, especially our bedroom (where the to-be-yard-saled stuff is dumped) and the ex-guest bedroom a.k.a. what will be heretofore known as Meggie's new bedroom. Except that right now it looks more like Kyle's dresser exploded and the closet caved in.