
Wonderfully Made Dance
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These past two months have been a whirlwind of change, growth and activitiy. My parents visited in early September, then we were lucky to have my frousin and her girls here for Maevey's birthday, then a week later I was off to DC to help my parents for three weeks! I've been home for a week and a half now and plunged right back into busy. 

You are looking at a five foot tall bear my parents bought for Maeve.

 It is as tall as my mother. 

Maeve loves him though, and while I don't know where in our little townhouse he and his two buddies (Oh, did I leave out that they bought a Minnie and Mickey of the same size? Cause they did.) are going to reside, he is quite soft and I'm looking forward to snuggling against him for storytime. 

Maeve and I spent most of our visit hunkered down at my parents house, but we kicked off the visit at a local pumpkin festival complete with slides, hayrides, animals and fair food. It wasn't until we got home hours later that I discovered poor little Maeve has a 102.6 fever....so that explained the mellow mood for the day, she was actually in a fevered daze. 

Here she is with her Faja!

They had miniature tractors and farm equipment scattered around for the kids to play on. 

While we're happy to be home, we miss you guys very much!! Hop on a plane and come back to Texas!!!

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