
Wonderfully Made Dance
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Home in Hawaii

My time in Hawaii has been busy, emotional and less familiar. The years we spent here growing up have made this place my second home. I know the neighborhood intimately, can navigate all over the island, and know all the places the tourists don't. But this trip, things are different. While Mom & I have been making a morning escape to the beach as usual, we are coming home to help my grandfather manage everyday tasks, talking to my grandmother about help & options, and trying to stay on top of all that needs to be accomplished.

It's been good to be here, but it's been a difficult trip, and not at all like the past. Though, just when it seems the joy is gone from this house, and I feel as though things are changed forever, I can hear from the other room "Harriet, will you get me some ice cream? 3 BIG scoops!", or perhaps "Geraldine, where is she hiding all the chocolate in this place?!". As long as I can remember my Pappy, I can remember not understanding his nicknames for me. And I love them. Geraldine & Harriet, used interchangeably, and while cousins were about, Jade & I made the pair Tuesday & Wednesday.

Leaving makes me sad, but Adam and I have plans for Christmas, and hopefully without a car to buy, or a move to make, we'll be able to do it this year!! The plan is to buy our tickets August 1st, so hold me to that! Until then, I leave my Mom here to help continue the work we all started and know that at least they have the CNA at the house 4hrs a day now, which is a start. Hopefully with the time and attention, he will be able to focus more on his physical therapy and regain some of his finer motor skills and strength. While my mind has been here these last two weeks, my heart has been racing back across the ocean daily with Adam in Amarillo, and I am really looking forward to seeing him again.

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