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Twitchy Witchy Woman

This week, for whatever reason, I am fairly certain I have lost my mind. My right eye, which has been twitching for over a week and a half now is slowly driving me into madness and that's just the start. For whatever reason, I have gone from being a reasonably deep sleeper to the kind the wakes up every 30min throughout the night. Dog moves? I'm awake. Adam rolls over? I'm awake. AC kicks on? I'm awake. More than likely this has something to do with my lovely little tick I've developed.... The dogs are driving me less nuts, which is good considering the first few months I was ready to give them all away. I have also noticed a new, passionate and completely unreasonable side to myself, one most likely to make an appearance at night or in my afternoon slump. For example, yesterday while driving to work Adam asked, "how are you doing?" I responded by bursting into tears and saying "AWFUL!" Why you ask? I couldn't say. I don't actually know.

.....I blame it on the eye twitch.

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