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Royal Wedding Morning

That's right, I'm sure you're not too surprised but I was one of those crazy people crawling to the couch at 4am to watch the royal wedding! The last memory I have of something like this was when Princess Diana died while I was in sixth grade. My mom, a Diana fan, woke me up in the wee hours of the morning so we could watch the funeral procession together. I would have loved to have watched this happier royal event with her, but Adam made a pretty good substitute. Thankfully, my husband is not among the men you'll find online mocking those who want to watch the wedding. While he probably wouldn't have watched it without me, he agreed it was history and worth watching. Smiling while I cried (hey, I'm pregnant, give me a break!) and laughing at my running commentary, he was a pretty good early morning companion. *sigh* I just love all the pomp, history, and pageantry. Her dress! The Abbey! Those hats! TWO kisses!! Definitely worth the lost sleep.

God Save the Queen.

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