
Wonderfully Made Dance
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Little Island Girl

 For as long as I can remember, and then some before that, my summers were spent wandering the island of Oahu where my grandparents live. Some years we would make it up for Christmas or a spring break from time to time, but every year that's where we spent my summers. My grandparents have lived there since 1973 and life for them there seems frozen in time. Being a military family, the things they can control they choose not to change. Same church, same exercise class, same Friday night group at the club, same routine.  

I loved spending my summers here as a child. A magical place for me and my family, bringing Adam here in 2007 was a dream come true. 
Little did I know my then boyfriend had a ring hidden in his carry-on in hopes that some of the Hawaii magic  would be on his side for a moonlit beach proposal.

This picture was taken right after I said yes by the only other people on the beach. 
It is one of my favorite pictures of us. 

My Nana and Pappy were incredibly shocked and beyond overjoyed. We kept hearing "we didn't know if we'd ever get to meet you little one!" and "let me show you this..." as Nana takes her to explore hibiscus and wind chimes, or blowing trees and new sweet fruits. 

Right after I took this picture I caught Maeve eating her lei and breaking out in a rash...

My Pappy is famous for silly nicknames. I was and am forever Harriet and Geraldine while my cousin is known as Wednesday and my brother Flyin Ryan. The nicknames of our childhood have followed us into adulthood. I remember at about six or seven asking my Pappy why he had a name for me that made no sense. His response was quite simple. "Because that's who you are to me." Now, as at 81, and a touch more serious, I smile each time I hear "Harriet, can you get me a soda?" and I hope that in a few years time Maeve can ask me why Pappy calls me something that makes no sense. I asked him if he had a name for her, but he told me he needed some time because "it needs to be just right." For now, he's falling into calling her "Little Red", an unknowing nod to my Granio who gave Maeve her curly red locks. That was my PopPop's nickname for her, and I think it would be quite sweet if it stuck. 
We MADE it! 

Morning snuggles in bed with her great-grandparents: Nana & Pappy.

We are both missing Adam like crazy, but I am so, so glad he was generous enough to loan us to my family for a few weeks! To be able to have my daughter with me in a place that's so special is something I can't quite put into words. Everyday makes me giddy thinking of Christmas when all three of us will be here together!! 

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