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Mommy Moments Challenge: #8 Makes You Go Hmm or YUM!

This last weekend our little family joined many of our friends from church for a weekend long camping trip at Cedar Hill. 

Here's a tip, if you are considering camping with your near seven month old. Don't. 

Adam enjoying his rest while Maeve and I hangout in the
 tent...since it's only 5am. 
She kept trying to crawl down inside our sleeping bags
 and explore ever nook and cranny of the tent.
For the most part she did really well, only woke up once the first night and slept all the way through the second. The real problem was that, try as we may, there was no way that child was going to sleep on Saturday. Wonderful friends took turns wearing her in our new Ergo carrier (LOVE!) and that would do the trick for about 25min. I was able to get an hour out of her late Saturday by wearing her until she fell asleep and then laying down with her and slowly rolling and unbuckling until I no longer had her in the carrier. I still don't know how Adam managed to nap, it was ridiculously hot, bright and loud in the tent. (Did I mention I'm not really the outdoors type?) 

Studying the waves.
My two favorite people.
There were obvious perks to camping though. Late night conversations with friends by the fire, playing by the lake and indulgent camp food. I don't know how many kids I counted roasting miniature donuts for breakfast! We didn't bring suits to go in the water, so we didn't swim, but we did walk along the tiny waves with Maevey. She was a hoot! She loves the pool and bathtime is her favorite, so it was no surprise to hear her tiny giggly shrieks everytime a small (and I mean t-i-n-y) wave hit her legs. Because we're in a crawly-put-it-in-my-mouth-I-want stage the little pebbly beach was interesting. I don't know how many times we had to fish rocks out of that child's mouth, and if it wasn't rocks in her mouth, it was her Daddy's hat. Or my soda bottle. Or the dog's leg. (yes, really, the dog's leg.)

Beach pals.

This is PERFECT for teething! Thanks Daddy!
All in all it was fun. Though, I did come home more exhausted then when the weekend began, I will admit that was no perk. I think if I had it to do over Maeve and I would have spent the night at home or at least gone home part of the day Saturday so she could get some good sleep in. But as someone who thrives on people time, camping is the perfect setting for my conversation fix. And though I may not be much (HA!) of an outdoors-woman, it is beautiful to make these new memories with our new little family. So one day we can tell her "Oh, we've always had so many adventures with you Maeve, even when you were a wee little babe!" 

Inspired by Family Magazine

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adorable! Welcome to our Mommy Photo Challenge so glad to have you join in on the fun.
Just a couple of friendly reminders:
-Post the title/prompt on the link up.
-Follow both co-host- http://inspiredbyfamilymag.com/ and http://www.thehollierogue.com/.
-Make sure the picture you are submitting is the one that shows up on the linky.