
Wonderfully Made Dance
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Bell Ringing

A friend of ours through church always organizes a day of bell ringing for the Salvation Army. For every hour of volunteering the Salvation Army is able to feed an additional forty people. We haven't rung in the past, but decided to give it a try this year. I figured we'd trade off chasing our little running elf and the hour would fly by. 

And then I had to teach a makeup class. Ooops. 

So, Adam braved it alone with miss thing strapped to his chest in their matching Christmas red. He's attributing their 70% success rate to his well-timed bell ringing...and to Little Red's back-bends of "Hi!!! Helllllo! Hi!", waves and kisses blown to strangers.

Wouldn't you donate to a great cause, if this lil bit was asking you? 

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