
Wonderfully Made Dance
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Greetings from the least wintery December we've seen in awhile here in Texas. Today is a shivery 70*, thanks to a cold front that moved through last night. Yesterday, 82*. Let me remind you that yesterday was also December 3rd. On a fluke day last week we had enough breeze to warrant Miss Maeve's sweet little beret. 

The rest of the week this is more true to our wardrobe choices...
 I love her sweet little curls!!
 Chasing "Titri" (Kitri) 

 Our big girl is talking more and each day. She's up to just over 30 words. Yesterday she shocked Adam and me by exclaiming "Bless You!" TWICE when I sneezed! The first time it happened she was a little muffled and I thought I misheard her, but the second time it was clear as a bell. The friends we were with even whipped around to look at her, crazy! I think that's one of my favorite things about motherhood is seeing all these amazing things she learns, and watching her become a little person. 

 My two loves at the park.
 The month before Maeve's birthday, we tried sliding for the first time and little miss landed on her face. Needless to say, for awhile anytime we got close to a slide she would freak out. To my delight, since walking, she has fallen in love them. Down we go, over and over, and over. And occasionally we scramble at the bottom, hoping to defy gravity and move straight up the plastic wonder. 

My funny honey during bathtime. We call this her "stank-face." ;)

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