
Wonderfully Made Dance
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You've Been Bubbled

Beware the Bubble Pirate Red!
Last night, during bath time, I walked in to find Maeve covering everyone in layers & layers of bubble masks, herself included. For awhile she had a bubble eye-patch and beard, while smearing bubbles onto Adam's head as high as she could pile, and scrubbing them into his beard.

  Dutchess, who usually comes around the tub to see if there are any wet toes to be licked, was caught in the bubble trap too! Don't pity her too much though, after all the bubbles are tear-free, and she kind of brought it upon herself. 
After using every last bubble in the tub to decorate, Maeve dutifully began rinsing everyone off with her pink cuppie, making sputtering noises all the while! And yes, my floor was very, very wet. ;)

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