
Wonderfully Made Dance
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The Big "Cleanout"

In our cozy little house, we didn't quite have enough furniture to fill the space when we moved in. Not only that, but we had lost our chairs (cheap ones we bought when we first moved in together) to the "great iron maiden incident of 2008" as Adam jokes. I had decided to recover our chairs, but in my excitement did not wait to make sure I had short enough nails. Thus, while the recovered versions were cute, they also doubled as iron maidens, torturing any person who had to sit. Luckily, we had friends that let us borrow both chairs for the table as well as a desk, love seat, and wing back chair for Adam's home office.
In recent weeks, things around the house have been slowly changing. Adam's office merged with mine, and the front room became the home for the Owens' crib they gave us, our matching garage sale find changing table, and various baby things that we've been given or discovered at sales. So, Monday, our friends came to collect the borrowed furniture we no longer needed. Unfortunately, they also needed their chairs back!
So, we are chair-less again, and on the hunt (did I mention I don't care and have no 'hunt' motivation? lol) and we emptied the drawers and took the decorations down off the desk. The old Kaitlin would have turned on some music and gone non-stop until everything looked 'perfect'. Instead, pregnant Kaitlin looked at the mess, sat on the couch, thought about the mess, drank some grape juice, talked about the mess, folded some pants that had been sitting on the wing back chair, and then laid down on the couch for a nap. I have lost my oomph! Poor Adam. I am just too tired and too nauseous to care. Since we're at 11.5wks, I'm hoping that in a few more weeks, super Kaitlin will emerge again, eager to clean, organize and abuse her label maker. Until then...let's all pull a 4th grader and shove the mess in the closet....No one will know...

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