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Me? A Grownup?

So, we've hit the part of our road where being adults isn't as fun and easy as I dreamed it would be when I was playing dress up in my mother's old clothes and pasting my lips with a bit too much watermelon pink lipstick. Adam and I are trying to figure out where we want to go next with our lives, talking about goals, and how to save money and best prepare for our future as a family of three. One of the ideas has been to step out of our cute rental house and down into an apartment since they've raised rent, which would give us a little more savings on both rent and utilities. We're both less then thrilled at the idea, but are trying to think long term as much as possible. Adam has also recently decided he knows what he'd like to go back to school for, and that is Economics. His new found love through his work with RDA and the openess of that job market, is something he'd love to pursue on top of his philosophy degree. I am more then ecstatic that he's found something he loves so much, and feels passionate about going back to school, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit that it scares the bejeezes out of me! The idea of him juggling school & work, while we raise a baby is almost more then I can take! I wonder if we're strong enough to ride that for two years, if I'm strong enough to be the main parent for the two hardest years with our first child, if we can really make it all work on what seems to be a nearly invisible tightrope. I'm just worried. It all seems silly as I read what I write, but I wonder more and more "how the HECK are we going to make everything work?!?!" Adam, on the other hand, seems completely at peace. He keeps saying "We make a plan, and stick to the plan, that's all." Can it really be that simple? Part of me wishes I could climb into my mother's lap, curl my fingers through her hair and ask her what to do like I did growing up. I know that at this stage of the game her advice is invaluable, but the decision has to come from us whether I want to be a part of it or not. So, if we come into your thoughts, ask that I might get some peace and feel confident about our choices, because right now I feel like a confused little kid.

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