
Wonderfully Made Dance
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Little Big Brother

Most days in the O'Connell-Owens household are pretty same old same old these days. I can't remember the last time we ate out (in our launch for savings), the last trip was at Christmas, there's church on sundays, glee on tuesdays and we go grocery shopping every two weeks. Talk about a routine! Now a days I feel like we've aged 40 years and embraced a homebody lifestyle we've teased others in the past about! But these next two weeks, we'll be getting a little injection of out of the ordinary--my "baby" brother, 3.5yrs younger then me, is coming to Texas on his spring break from Hawaii. (I know, backwards, right?)

He gets in Saturday at noon, and for about the first week he'll be in Austin with his closest friends, as a belated 21st birthday celebration! Originally, Adam and I were supposed to lead the team, but as life would have it we were unable to take the necessary time of somewhat last minute. We know he's in good hands and will have a wonderful time, but I have to admit it makes me feel like a heel to no longer be going along on the trip/party I put together for him. Hopefully we'll be able to make it up to him with a celebratory St Patricks day party for all of us, including his 'old' Amarillo friends that are home for the break.
As he flys this way on the red eye I plan to dust, mop, scrub and vaccuum to prepare; after all, we know how much cleanliness means to college boys, right? ;)

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