
Wonderfully Made Dance
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Listen to Mom

You know those pieces of advice you hear so often growing up from your mother's lips that they become almost cliche, something you know but forget? For me, the piece of advice I probably heard the most often was "Don't experiment with things like laundry detergent and dryer sheets. You never know what you'll be allergic to."

By golly, my mother was right.

To wash 001's clothes and blankets I purchased a large container of All Free and Clear. Nevermind never having used All...nevermind having grown up on Tide....nevermind having a history of allergies and sensitive skin....nevermind that my mother had told me not to do this very thing my whole life. I didn't remember her advice that day in the laundry aisle, I just saw the sale sign, and could compare the price of All (read:cheap) to Tide (read: not so cheap).

Monday I did our towels and all my maternity wears.

Tuesday I developed a strange bumpy rash.

Wednesday it was on my arms as well.

Thursday it was much more pronounced and more itchy then the chicken pox.

Friday I am a zombie because I woke every hour through the night scratching and re-applying lotion.

At my appointment today I asked the doctor, could this be PUPP? (pregnancy rash) He seemed to think it looked a lot more like an allergic reaction and to re-examine any new substances I had introduced in the last week. I, ofcourse, could think of none but Adam quickly reminded me of the foreign detergent that had washed all I had worn in the last week.


That would explain the intense rash all over my stomach, chest, forearms, thighs, upper back and bottom.


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