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Oh Body

My poor, twisted body. I don't think I have ever felt so many sensations at once.

I've got this weird, painless pressure that kind of ebbs and flows. Has she dropped? I see the perinatologist today and the midwives tomorrow, maybe someone can tell me since I have no idea what's going on. I'm hoping that's the case, it's exciting to think it might be.

The itchiness that consumed my body last week is slowly retreating. Thankfully Adam called the midwives Saturday morning when I lost another night of sleep and they called in some blissful drugs to take away the itch and let me get some rest. We re-washed all known 'poisened' fabrics, and have been washing anything we use/wear once just to be safe. So far, so good.

I made my way to the chiropractor yesterday for my pubic bone. Eight weeks of hoping didn't send the pain away, so at friends and midwives urging I gave it a shot. The woman I saw happened to have the same problem in her pregnancy and explained there were two ways to try and fix it. A 'gentle' way, that usually worked and a 'rough' way that always worked but was probably going to make me cry. I opted for gentle, and if we don't see results, coming back next week. Keep your fingers crossed! Maybe soon I can put on underwear without wincing!

Last night, in hopes of tackling more on the list, we headed out to the car to get it baby ready. There I took a lovely fall over a manhole that scared both of us more then it did anything. Thankfully I managed to twist and fall on my leg and arms instead of my stomach or head, but I now have a nice softball size bruise and cuts on my left calf to show for it. :) Nothing like being clumsy and pregnant, right? Ah well. As Adam said while he doctored me, "All of this gives me a great chance to get used to taking care of someone else." Glad I can help.

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