
Wonderfully Made Dance
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Pretty Little Things

Last night Adam and I started tackling our list (ok, my list) piece by piece and decided the biggest thing to take on was laundry. Yikes! We hadn't cut any tags in the whole shopping process, and we have clothes for quite a few months in since babes in my family tend to grow very, very quickly. I couldn't resist snapping a few pictures before everything made its way downstairs to be washed. I'm sure you're sick of pictures of my baby clothes pictures, but I just had to share a few with the world!

While it's not the best picture, here is 001's coming home outfit. Adam and I picked it out together last weekend and both LOVE it!

I know Christmas is quite a ways off, but we couldn't resist this sweet little dress and matching bloomers!

My sweet friend Jenny bought 001 her first ballerina outfit!


Shannon said...

As you're tackling the laundry, let me know if you need any 0-3 month stuff like baby gowns, sleepers, onesies, etc...I'm getting ready to pack up all of our stuff between 0-6 months as my 2 month old is a giantess! :) If you have need of anything earlier than 6 months, I'd love to bring some down this weekend.

Kaitlin said...

Any extra sleepers we could borrow for that size would be amazing! We're a low on that size for sleepytime.

Jenny said...

Yay! The tutu made it to the blog! I just <3 it, it's so cute!!!