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The List

I know I'm just hitting (just?!) 36wks this Saturday, but my veins are running full of panic. Things, even crazy things, that I MUST have done as soon as possible. (Read:NOW)

In no particular order, my list includes, but is not limited to:
1.Washing all Baby Clothes and Linens---why does this seem overwhelming?
2. Having Adam replace her light with a ceiling fan
3. Finding a screen for her room
4. We have NO BABY TOWELS! Worse, I can't commit myself to any because they all seem thin or itchy. I nearly lost it in Target the other night...
5. Clean out, deep clean and wash the car.
6. Clean car needs to be rid of the two spots of bumper sticker residue. (Yes, I know this doesn't affect baby...I can't help it, it's driving me mad)
7. Send out shower thank yous which are now almost two weeks old. Where did I put all my friends addresses?!?
8. Write our birth plan. By Saturday. We are supposed to take this to Bradley class Saturday morning, and to our appointment with the midwives Tuesday. I'm glad to envision and put together an idea of what we'd like, but embarrassed to actually do it and have other people read it. Sad?
9. Finish my scrapbook of our life before baby. I've been stuck completing Christmas for the past 3 months.
10. Catch up her scrapbook and create some pages for once she's here.
11. Make a drop off at Goodwill.
12. Before she's here I NEED the house decorated for the fall/Halloween, or it won't happen and I love holiday decorations! (I know this shouldn't matter...)
13. Why can't I keep our room clean?!
14. I really need to make and execute a shopping list for my "obscure" labor & delivery goods. Things we've had recommended like; honey straws, lolly pops, pads or depends (HA), etc.
15. Pack.our.go.bag.
16. Make some kind of plan for our dogs. What do we do with them when we go into the hospital? Must make a plan.
17. Buy replacement tubing for pump.
18. Sanitize the pump.
19. Order our pre-fold diapers, snappis and wetbag.
20. Call the property manager about that broken closet light...
21. Put the cling sunshades up in the car for the baby.
22. Pre-register for the hospital.
23. Put away all the random things piling up around our house.
24. Exchange Kitri's muzzle for one that fits for night time, or I will kill her when she wakes up the baby.
25. Measure space for blowup mattress and replace our broken one for Mom and Dad.
26. Chiropractor
27. Are we officially set with the pediatrician?
28. Tour the hospital.
29. Buy celebration champagne and cigars (for my parents and Adam). I know this one really isn't urgent, but its personal importance to me has it nagging me constantly.
30. Organize her clothes better by size so I can see at a glance what is what.
31. Find her at least one more heavy blanket since she only has the one.
32. How the heck do you swaddle a baby? Must learn.
33. Never mind swaddling, how are we supposed to use cloth diapers?! Oh.God. Must learn that too...

1 comment:

The Stolle Family said...

Thank GOODNESSSSSSSS!!! I thought I was the only one feeling so crazy listy and Jared kept telling me it would all be all right. HA! Thank you so much for posting your list!! I no longer feel crazy about my list... that is almost complete, but then again I am a week ahead of you so don't feel the need to be on the same page with me ;) Like you were anyway! :)

The clothes washing sucks and so does the organizing/putting away. When I post pictures of the nursery I will explain what I did (didn't do like I said I was going to). Swaddling, easy... put blanket down so it looks likes a diamond. Fold top point down to make it not pointy. Put baby down. Fold left point to right side, tuck under. Fold bottom point up. Fold right point to left side and tuck behind baby. As long as the arms are in this should be a swaddle. (You can always YouTube!)
I have also been major rampage cleaning and don't like sitting o the couch now because it will mess up the cushions and get dog hair all over them again...
Won't these kids just hurry up and get here so we can throw the list out the window already!?! Good luck. If you need help, just ask. I will see what I can do from here! PS: Etsy has some nice blankets... or Shannon has this friend Erika that is super crafty ;)