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Faces Through Time

While trying to distract myself from the fact that I have a projected 4 weeks and 5 days left (not that I'm keeping track...) of pregnancy and everything from eating to standing up seems to be exhausting and overwhelming; I have been trying to finish up this year in our scrapbook while I still can. My sister-in-law Cynthia joined me today for a couple hours and brought some pictures of a young Adam for me to enjoy. So, while I know I've shown you all our baby pictures I thought it might be fun to include a few of the later years and let the imagination wander about 001.

With my Pappy and little brother during one of our summers in Hawaii.

Adam at Christmas in Amarillo.

Ready for church in the Pawtuckett cold.

Adam, the Boyscout, on a fishing expedition.

Alaska, before Ry was attacked by a wolf. (no joke)

Adam in the Santa Fe Indian cliff dwellings.

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