
{old news}

Wonderfully Made Dance
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Pride & Excitement

Now that it's official I can make the official announcement, my dear husband starts his new job this Monday at Staffmark! Fifteen minutes from our house, he's working out of the Las Colinas offices as a Senior Account Manager & Researcher with a "choose your own schedule" setup which means he'll be able to work 7:30-4:30, hopefully beat some of the traffic, and spend some time in the evenings with oo1 and myself! He received the informal offer last Thursday, but we wanted to wait to announce until the ink was drying on the paperwork.

Thank you to everyone who mentioned us in their prayers and held their breath with each new development. We greatly appreciate your support and enthusiasm!

...Now the question is, what am I going to do with myself, alone these next 8.5wks?

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