
Wonderfully Made Dance
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Bounce the Baby

An exchange between an older black woman and I today in the store:

Woman: "Excuse me sweets, but you look like you're expecting"
Me: "Actually, I am"
Woman: "Oh honey-child, that baby gonna be bouncin' all around like crazy the way you run everywhere! Ooo! Congratulations!"

Why can't all pregnancy stranger scenarios go like this? It definitely made me smile, and she was quite sweet.

**Note: for those of you who have never had the 'pleasure' of grocery shopping with me, a friend once told me that I shop like I drive...I think they meant very fast, all over the place, and with a hint of confusion.**


The Stolle Family said...

Ha Ha! This made me laugh. A comment that makes you smile instead of a comment that makes you want to punch someone (only in your dreams of course, not in real life)! Now if only I could get Jared to quit saying "Oh yeah, your belly is big today. You've got a big belly!" I might just for real punch him if he says it again!!! Can't wait to see your room all put together.

Kaitlin said...

Haha...Adam has been pretty good so far. Every time I ask "are you sure I look pregnant, not just fat?" he immediately responds with something like "No, no, look at that waist! You look cute pregnant". I'm not entirely convinced, but it does make me feel better. :)